Application Open


October 22, 2023 to October 28, 2023
Dangriga, Belize
We are partnering with Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus and traveling to Dangriga, Belize, for a short-term mission trip for individuals who want to serve in a cross-cultural setting, middle school age and above. We will be serving alongside KK4J missionaries in local schools leading lessons from the Stellar Summer Blast event – Shine Jesus’ Light.

Belize Family Impact Trip

Middle & High School Students and Their Families

October 22 - 28

Why A Short-Term Team?

Our short-term team’s purpose is to lead students and families into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by serving one another.

The Story

Dangriga Belize & Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus

We are partnering with Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus (KK4J) for a short-term mission trip for individuals who want to serve in a cross-cultural setting, middle school age and above. We will travel to Dangriga, Belize and work in conjunction with KK4J in the local villages and schools. KK4J began serving in Belize in 2005 and has a long-standing relationship with discipling communities through school outreach, feeding programs, trades, church programs and medical missions. This trip provides an opportunity to travel for a mission experience relatively close to the US in a predominantly English-speaking country. Whether this is your first short-term trip or your fiftieth, this will be a valuable experience to be a part of what God is doing with the Belizean people through KK4J.

What Are We Doing?

We will be serving alongside KK4J missionaries in local schools leading lessons from the Stellar Summer Blast event – Shine Jesus’ Light.

Who Can Go?

Due to the nature of the Family Impact Trip, we are limiting the trip to middle school and high school-age students and their parents.

What Are The Details and How Can I Secure A Spot For My Family?

We will plan on traveling to Belize the last week in October. Trip size is limited; space can be secured by getting your application in soon and making your deposits by the dates listed below.

Spiritual Development

  • I commit to discipline myself and to put a priority on growing deeper in my walk with Christ during the preparation process and during the week itself.
  • I will fully engage in all team meetings prior to the trip

Healthy Relationships

  • I will uphold the standards of behavior that my team and I discuss and decide are necessary.
  • I will be willing & reflect the attitude of Christ at all times.
  • I will be sensitive to the culture in my words, actions, and dress. I will refrain from any activity or behavior that might be a stumbling block to any team member (before, during, and after the week), our partnership ministry, and the people I am seeking to influence.
  • I will refrain from a romantic relationship with another team member or a community member throughout the short-term team journey.
  • I will develop an attitude of service and flexibility. I commit to serving the team, the team leader, the community, and the workers in the field. I will bring a spirit of flexibility to the project, assuming that plans often change.
  • I will submit to the authority of the team leader. I realize I may be asked not to go or sent home by the team leader at my own expense if I do not adhere to the team agreement.
  • I will prepare myself spiritually, emotionally, and socially for this opportunity. If I am not able to meet these requirements, I will meet with the Missions and Outreach Pastor to find an agreeable solution, or I will remove myself from the short-term team.

Team Training Dates Are:

  • Sunday, September 17 (after church)
  • Sunday, October 1 or 8 (after church)

Financial Agreement

I understand that I am financially responsible for the total cost of the trip and agree to raise funds or self-fund as necessary to meet this goal.

The total cost per person is $1600-$1800, depending on flight availability and cost.

Please do not let that total amount look daunting; the price should not hold someone back from serving on this short-term team. Financial support letter templates will be available. Scholarships may also be available.

Deposit will be needed soon to hold a spot on the team

Included in Cost:

  • Airfare
  • Travel expenses: lodging, transportation, meals, trip insurance, background checks
  • 1 Reflection Day

Not Included in Cost:

  • Luggage
  • Airport Parking
  • Airport food/beverages
  • Souvenirs (Our purpose is not to be tourists. Likely, there will not be many opportunities to purchase souvenirs outside the airport)