• Weekly on Sundays at 6 PM

Begins January 16 at 6 PM

Based on the book "Parenting" by Paul Tripp.

This class will be focusing more on the heart and less on rules. Our goal will be identifying ways that we can be a reflection of Christ in our home. As we meet together to explore our own hearts, it will help us learn how to ignite a love for Christ in the hearts of our children. Our time together will be a reminder of our ultimate purpose as parents! It will be a challenging yet refreshing journey through this book!

The 14 principles include:

  1. Calling - Nothing is more important in your life.
  2. Grace - God never calls you to something without giving you what you need to do it.
  3. Law - Children need to understand God’s law with grace.
  4. Inability - Being able to recognize what you are unable to do is essential to good parenting.
  5. Identity - Finding your identity in Christ and not your children.
  6. Process - Commit to the long view, change is a process.
  7. Lost - Look at the condition that causes bad behavior.
  8. Authority - Teaching and modeling the protective beauty of authority.
  9. Foolishness - Only God’s grace has the power to rescue fools.
  10. Character - Many times "wrong" is the result of lack of character, not rebellion to authority.
  11. False Gods - What rules your child’s heart will control their behavior.
  12. Control - The goal of parenting is not control of behavior, but rather heart and life change.
  13. Rest - We must rest in God’s presence and grace to find joy and patience in parenting.
  14. Mercy - No parent gives mercy better than the one who understands they desperately needs it themselves.