• Arrive at church building by 5 PM
  • Gull Lake, Michigan
  • 125.00
  • Registration closed on Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Dana Neuenschwander

Student Unite Retreat

The culture we live in often feels like an unmovable force or an unstoppable freight train. You can get on or get run over. It feels as if there are no other options and yet something deep down inside of us longs for something different. We have this sense that life could be different and, in some ways, maybe even should be different. How do we live in this world and yet at the same time defy the expectations thrust upon us? How do we live a life that defies the pace, division, shame, and hopelessness that seem so prevalent around us? We believe it is The Way of Jesus: A life full of beauty, abundance, unity, love, and grace. A life that will look quite different than the world around us but one that satisfies the deepest longings of our souls. Throughout this weekend, we’ll explore the beauty of what it looks like to defy the world around us and truly experience life abundant in Jesus.